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Web Equipment, Pattern 1958 - Fitting Instructions


Fitting Instructions

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Issued on 15th October 1959, it was a typescript document created by The Infantry Directorate, The War Office. Of its nine illustrations, only Plates VII, VIII and IX have been seen. The drawing quality was quite good, although artistically just so-so. From the Rog Dennis Collection. Photos © Rog Dennis 2012.

Can anyone supply the rest of the pictures?







Issued in September 1965 by Ministry of Defence (Army) Directorate of Stores & Clothing Development. This publication marks an all-time low in the quality of British military illustration. “Impressionistic” is O.K., but these are just plain inaccurate as well. It was again a typescript and even the Army Code is rubber-stamped on the cover. From the Rog Dennis Collection. Photos © Rog Dennis 2012.






58 3Army Code 71061 Pamphlet No. 2 Fieldcraft (All Arms)

The next known “publication” came in 1990 and was simply a section in a pamphlet issued under Infantry Training Volume I Skill At Arms (Individual Training) New Series. Properly printed, this substituted a series of photographs for the previous abysmal drawings. It appears alongside a section on 90 Pattern (Infantry) Equipment, whose first iteration – as “89 version” – had now started to firm up into Pattern 1990 PLCE. From the Rog Dennis Collection. Photos © Rog Dennis 2012.






mw & sKarkee Web was recently contacted by George Wright, the present Managing Director of M. Wright & Sons Ltd. Faced with a query, from someone who had written to the Company, he had Googled for an answer – fortuitously finding us! Whilst we have yet to publish the material Mr. Wright sought, the KWRT was able to furnish him with an answer.

Mr. Wright is the sixth generation to head the Company, whose products may be found throughout our website. The leaflet presented here was acquired in 1988, by one of our KWRTs and Mr. Wright has kindly given us permission to reproduce it. He also forwarded the solution to what the “M” stood for. It was Michael Wright – you read it first in Karkee Web - who started the Company in 1860. In the future, we hope to present a feature on M.W.& S, which will illustrate the Founder, from a painting in the possession of the Company.

Most collectors will have encountered the military publications concerning accoutrements, but few will have seen related sales / marketing literature. These were produced by the two premier webbing equipment manufacturers and the range of these is, as yet, an unknown. Perhaps, after receipt by potential customers, they were ultimately consigned to the proverbial circular filing cabinet. They would not have been seen as being of particular historical interest. If you readers are fortunate to possess such material, we would be delighted to receive scans and feature them on KW.

The leaflet lists the final standard of Patt. ’58 W.E. components, although there is a mismatch with the rear assembled view, which shows the Rear pouches to be of 1st, or 2nd Issue, as there is no attachment of the upper part around the rear Yoke straps. Note how, in the same view, the spigot carrier on the Yoke has been opened-up flat, so that it interferes less with the hooked-on Pack.

Today, the Company is still involved in military products and readers are recommended to refer to the Company’s website for more details: http://www.mwright.co.uk/


Rog Dennis 2012