Karkee Web: British & Empire Accoutrements and Personal Equipment of the Twentieth Century

Contributors' Collections:

workKarkee Web's readers and contributors include, quite simply, the most knowledgeable and advanced collectors and students of British and Empire equipment and accoutrements in the world. Displayed below are some of our contributors' collections. When we can, we plan to use these readers' collections as springboards to entire new sections of Karkee Web, illustrating patterns and types we had previously omitted. We've done this with Simon Braillon's Collection, below. Not only are his photos shown here, they also formed the nucleus of the new section on the French Modèle 1914 Equipment d'Infanterie de Sangles. We look forward to being able to do this with other collections as well.

If you want photos of your collection to be on display on Karkee Web, then send photos and descriptions to COLLECTIONS.